Manuscript Submission Guide
Welcome to
To submit a manuscript, please follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Create an account
- Create a MedSciEdit® user account by clicking on the “log in” button or “submit manuscript”
- Click on ‘create account’, provide your email address (please ensure you can access this email account because a verification link will be sent to you through the email address provided), provide a password and click to submit.
Step 2: Activate your account
- Log in to the email account you provided and click on the verification link that has been sent to you. If you do not see the email in your inbox folder, please check your spam folder
- Click on the verification link or copy and paste the link into your browser
- If you receive the message that your account has been successfully activated, you may now proceed to log in to your account and begin to upload manuscripts.
Step 3: Log in to your account
- Click on log in and provide your log in details.
- If you forgot your password, you can click on the ’forgot password’ link to help you get another password.
Step 4: Upload your Manuscript
- Once you have successfully logged into your user account, you can now upload manuscripts by:
- Providing a title for the manuscript
- Click on the “choose file” to browse and select the file you want to upload
You have successfully uploaded you manuscript and can view its status!