MedSciEdit® offers professional assistance to researchers in the medical science-based disciplines who want to publish in English journals but are handicapped by lack of requisite proficiency in the language. The services offered by MedSciEdit® concern manuscript proofreading and editing.

MedSciEdit® assists authors to improve acceptability of their manuscripts prior to their submission to the journal of interest by ensuring that the standard of English used is up to par...Read More

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Komodo dragon teeth get their strength from an iron coat

Studying the reptile’s ironclad teeth in more detail could help solve a dinosaur dental mystery....

A new algae-based menstrual pad could stop leaks

By turning period blood into a gel, the pad’s alginate powder filler reduces leakage....

Moonquakes are much more common than thought, Apollo data suggest

The discovery of 22,000 previously unseen moonquakes, plus a new idea of what causes them, could hel...

NASA’s Perseverance rover finds its first possible hint of ancient life on Mars

The NASA Mars rover examined a rock containing organic compounds and “leopard spots” that, on Ea...

The North Star is much heavier than previously thought

Polaris is about five times as massive as the sun, new observations reveal. That’s around 50 perce...