MedSciEdit® offers professional assistance to researchers in the medical science-based disciplines who want to publish in English journals but are handicapped by lack of requisite proficiency in the language. The services offered by MedSciEdit® concern manuscript proofreading and editing.

MedSciEdit® assists authors to improve acceptability of their manuscripts prior to their submission to the journal of interest by ensuring that the standard of English used is up to par...Read More

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Who are the indirect costs of NIH research? We talked to 3

The funding agency aims to cap “indirect costs” in biomedical research grants. But this behind-t...

How a mushroom coral goes for a walk without legs

Time-lapse video shows how a mushroom coral polyp pulses and inflates, flinging its soft body into m...

Even epic rainfall may not be enough to refill SoCal’s aquifers

More than a dozen atmospheric rivers dumped rainfall on California in 2023 but replenished only 25 p...

In a first, zebra cams reveal herds on the move with giraffes

Six zebras wore video cameras attached to collars, capturing the equines’ daily life. Sticking wit...

Why a norovirus vaccine isn’t available — yet

Norovirus is highly infectious and causing a lot of illness this winter. Several vaccine candidates ...