MedSciEdit® offers professional assistance to researchers in the medical science-based disciplines who want to publish in English journals but are handicapped by lack of requisite proficiency in the language. The services offered by MedSciEdit® concern manuscript proofreading and editing.

MedSciEdit® assists authors to improve acceptability of their manuscripts prior to their submission to the journal of interest by ensuring that the standard of English used is up to par...Read More

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Science has finally cracked male riflebirds’ flirty secrets

New video upsets the old notion that these birds of paradise use wing clapping to make percussive so...

Megafire smoke may dampen California’s nut harvests

The summer after wildfire smoke blocked sunlight for long stretches, harvests at some almond tree or...

Readers are curious about dark matter, plastics’ effects on pollination and Percy’s selfies

Let’s talk neutrinos Two dark matter experiments have spotted signs of neutrinos knocking into ato...

Taking the temperature of democracy

Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the science of studying democracies....

The ‘Does It Fly?’ podcast separates fact from science fiction

The podcast ‘Does It Fly?’ asks whether the technology of Star Trek, Doctor Who