MedSciEdit® offers professional assistance to researchers in the medical science-based disciplines who want to publish in English journals but are handicapped by lack of requisite proficiency in the language. The services offered by MedSciEdit® concern manuscript proofreading and editing.

MedSciEdit® assists authors to improve acceptability of their manuscripts prior to their submission to the journal of interest by ensuring that the standard of English used is up to par...Read More

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NASA’s budget woes put ambitious space research at risk

Mars Sample Return and missions to study other planets and celestial bodies, including lunar efforts...

A hidden danger lurks beneath Yellowstone

A volcanic eruption at Yellowstone is unlikely anytime soon, but evidence is growing that a violent ...

This snake goes to extremes to play dead — and it appears to pay off

When dice snakes fake their death to avoid predators, those that use a combination of blood, poop an...

Lampreys have ‘fight or flight’ cells, challenging ideas about nervous system evolution

The discovery of sympathetic nervous system cells in lampreys draws a closer tie between the animal ...

As the Arctic tundra warms, soil microbes likely will ramp up CO2 production

Experiments in mini greenhouses show how the tiny organisms lurking underground in a "sleepy biome" ...